The Bridge to Fantacy

We skipped down the sidewalk towards the waterfront. A long green lizard skittered across in front of us. Expecting to see only the beach, and hoping only for sea shells, my son noticed a red pyramid in the distance.

We looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders and sped up. up a bit. Soon, we heard music, it must be a carnival or festival!

“Gosh,” gasped my son, this sidewalk didn’t look THAT long!”

“Everything seems to take longer when we are excited, “ I said, rushing to keep up with him.

“Race ya, Mom!” He smiled.

5 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Sandra Bennett said,

    Who won that race ? Having fun…. 🙂

  2. 2

    beebeesworld said,

    hmmmm—-how fast can you run against one of the teen grands? love ya, brenda

  3. 3

    nutsfortreasure said,


  4. 4

    Lindy Lee said,

    Mysterious meanings here; good job…

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