Hope Springs Eternal

They had been walking quite a while when they reached the cabin. His brogans were muddy and wet, the cuffs of hi pants covered in mud. He reached down and picked up the puppy and held it in his arms. It was dirty, panting, its fur matted with burrs. He looked at the puppy’s pleading brown eyes as he held it to his chest. He was so thirsty, they were so thirsty.

The spigot was hidden in the vines at the side of the house. He sat the puppy down and turned the spigot hopefully. Nothing. Sadly, he grabbed the puppy and started back down the path. Suddenly there was a gurgling sound, a rush of air and a spurt of spring water burst forth from the spigot. Together they rushed back and burrowed their heads in its cool freshness. “From water comes life,” thought the man watching from the barn.

14 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Reminds me of the joy of sticking my hands in the cold water by the corral after a good but hot ride, then splashing water on my face. Can’t wait to do that again soon.

    (You have a couple of typos if you want to get them. “His” pants in the second sentence. “Its” coolness in the second-to-last sentence.)

  2. 4

    I liked the turn around with the “gurgling sound, a rush of air” and the moment of excitement in the small miracles of life… Thanks

  3. 5

    billgncs said,

    good job, I was worried for the puppy….

  4. 7

    Sandra Bennett said,

    One of my favorite writers…Keep it happening !! : )

  5. 8

    I can feel the cold wet relief because of this good description. But what’s the man in the barn going to do with them? Makes me want to read more.

  6. 9

    Sandra said,

    That was lovely; such a different take on it and a feel good factor too.

  7. 10

    rochellewisoff said,

    Who doesn’t love puppies? Very nice piece. Glad it ended on a hopeful note.

  8. 12

    Janet said,

    I had an ominous feeling about the man at the end watching. Kind of like Hansel and Gretel, the boy and the puppy being lured in by the water. But maybe that’s just how my mind works. Here’s mine: http://postcardfiction.com/2012/07/27/drained/

  9. 13

    Gilly Gee said,

    Phew thank goodness you had me worried about that puppy!

  10. 14

    Dear Beebee,

    The barn man adds an eerie touch to the finish. Lots of unspoken possibilities there. Great read.



    Waiting on a Moment

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