The Silence was Deafening

I took my two teens to see “Lincoln“, the new Steven Speilberg movie today and I would highly recommend it to anyone who loves history and appreciates a well made and researched movie.  I had an experience there that I had never had at a movie theater.  When the movie ended, and the list of actors came up with the movie theme in the background, the entire audience, sat quietly and watched and listened.  The silence was deafening.  Always before, the minute the movie ended, the theater has been filled with noise and chatter, people quickly leaving their seats and going home. Everyone there seems to be spellbound by the impact of the movie.  It was quite impressive!

14 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    stuff I said said,

    Thank you for the information I was hoping to see it and now I will make sure that I do. 🙂

  2. 2

    Wow, I really want to see it. I’d hadn’t even heard of it before.

  3. 3

    thanks. I was thinking about seeing this with my son for homeschool. 🙂

  4. 4

    journalplace said,

    Thanks for the alert. Lincoln was a great example of determination for good and God.

  5. 5

    nutsfortreasure said,

    He has always been my favorite, can’t wait to see it.

  6. 6

    Subhan Zein said,

    Last time I went to the cinema, ‘Lincoln’ was not in Australia just yet. We live in a different planet here in Down Under, an ancient one. 😦

    Subhan Zein

  7. 7

    Lori Lipsky said,

    Thanks for the recommendation. I look forward to seeing ‘Lincoln.’ I’m one of those movie-goers who stays for the credits, so it will be interesting to see what happens at the end of the showing I attend.

  8. 8

    simon7banks said,

    Lincoln was a fascinating character and is one of my heroes. If anyone thinks politics is boring, read the Lincoln – Douglas debates.

  9. 9

    Sandra Bennett said,

    I am looking forward to seeing it. A nephew is casted in small part as a Republican Representative from VA…Not sure if he is credited..Thanks.

  10. 10

    It’s on my list….but you just pushed it higher!

  11. 11

    Going to see Lincoln this weekend! Thanks for the review.

  12. 12

    Is this the one where he slays Vampires?

  13. 14

    Yeah, he probably didn’t really kill vampires (though what was he splitting all those rails for, if not for sharpened stakes, hmm?) but they did have the occasional seance in the White House. Spiritualism and contacting the dead was very big at the time (civil war casualties might have something to do with that) and his wife was into it as i recall

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