Above the Mountains in the Clouds

I was about five years old. We were on our way to the beach for the first time. I opened my sleepy eyes as we went down the mountains and rubbed my eyes in disbelief. Below my was a fluffy layer of clouds with what looked like an island emerging from its center. Was I still asleep? Had I been lifted to some sort of magical land?

I looked up and say my parents in the front seat. My mom turned around and smiled, knowing my thoughts. “We are above the clouds, honey,” she smiled. “What you see is a mountaintop coming up from the valley.”

“Wow!” I though. “Could seeing the ocean for the first time really beat this?”

14 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    This sounds exactly like the way a child would think. I think these clouds look like the ocean anyway. 🙂 But I think you mean “looked up and saw”, not “say”


  2. 2

    howanxious said,

    A child’s wonder… Beautiful imagery.

  3. 3

    Dear BeeBee.

    We stayed in a villa in St. John a few years back. One morning I woke up and saw the thickest fog I’d ever seen through our balcony door. Then I realized we were in the midst of clouds. Pretty incredible. .Can imagine what that must be like through a five year old’s eyes. You captured the moment.

    Nice one,



  4. 5

    Visiting from 35andupcynicismonhold. What a wonderful moment to remember…through the eyes of a child. Everything is awe inspiring at that age 🙂

  5. 6

    Sandra said,

    It’s captured all the excitement of a child’s world. Well done!

  6. 7

    SwittersB said,

    I have same fond recollection of driving above clouds in the Cascades. Pulled over and kids posed with sun shining atop clouds. I have that old pic somewhere…need to find now.

    Ah nostalgia!

  7. 8

    Mystikel said,

    How magical and a memory that will be with her forever.

  8. 9

    Kwadwo said,

    I don’t think seeing the seven seas for the first time will beat this experience.

  9. 10

    Linda Vernon said,

    I think clouds are even more beautiful to children. I loved this story.

  10. 11

    Wonderment documented. Loved it.

  11. 12

    Superbly written, brilliantly communicated.
    Loves it.

  12. 13

    beautifully written, Beebee

  13. 14

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