Every War Has Brought Us Here






The times and experiences of today may differ, however, when we take a close look, they often easily add up to the situations we find ourselves in today.

The Revolutionary War was a victory for the obvious underdog-US-the United states of America. There were celebrations all along the East Coast of the Colonies, now States of a new Country. No doubt, the world found its self in a bit of shock. Citizens shouted that we were free. We were of one soul, one mind-freedom. We read the declaration of Independence, the promise of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, even with the knowledge that the fight was far from over, we felt victorious. But who among us, was really “free.”

Women? People of color? The poor, illiterate immigrant? No. On paper, we had freedom of (or from) religion, freedom of taxation without representation and so much more. The document that stated these things was beautifully written. Unfortunately, those old prejudices lived on. Many still do.

We had another war with Great Britain in 1812-again, the United States of America “won”.

About 85 years after the Revolutionary War,, we were fighting amongst ourselves. Was it about “states rights” or“slavery” . Most likely, it was about much more. A new and restless nation, part which had become a leader in world industry and another which had become an agrarian based society with little modern industry. It had found itself dependent on slave labor to make the growing and harvesting of it’s crops profitable. In Europe, such differences in culture and life-style generally produced a new “kingdom. Here, many saw the power of a nation of such size being “one country” as vital to being a world power. Among these men was Abraham Lincoln.

My great-grandfather spent three years without this “freedom”, as a Confederate Officer during the War between the States. He was called up to serve, went with quite a few family members to sing up and was later captured in what was written up as a cowardly surrender by his superior officer near Chattanooga, Tennessee. The letters that he wrote to his wife and children are still tucked in a drawer in my mother’s cedar chest.

This man did not have slaves, he fought for hearth and home, as the average Southern man did. He, in fact, went to court to support a “black” woman’s claim to freedom, and helped her win. He was not wealthy. Neither was the common Northerner who got caught up in this horrible tragedy. My Southern family had its homes burned, crops destroyed, women raped, cattle stolen. Does this make slavery right-absolutely not. Brothers were fighting cousins and uncles. Neighbors, who had gone to church together were suddenly enemies.

Over 500,00 Americans killed-still, we have to pay attention to the question that brought our country into being-are we free yet? The Civil War, The War Between the States, which ever one might call it, it was a tragedy that was not healed by the war, not necessary by any means and set our country back decades from what we should have been doing-upholding the constitution that we fought the British Empire to gain.

It is 1918. World war I has just ended. The Unitted States had tried to stay out of the war, sending supplies, money and support but not troops. Finally, seeing Great Britain and France falling, we were forced to enter this war with our troops. Then, as the war ended, our troops come home to confetti parades, electrically-light arches built in cities across the country to celebrate the end of “The War to End All Wars”. Were we “free” yet?

A terribly written and enforced “Peace Treaty”, The Treaty of Versailles” humiliated Germany, Italy and its neighbors, setting the stage for yet another unthinkably horrible war, only 30 years later. These people were ripe fr anyone who would help them regain their dignity and place in world power. Unfortunately, the “men” who showed up to help with this cause were those like Hitler and Mussolini.Even our “Allies”, such as Stalin were to become a scourge to freedom very soon after a war we fought on both sides of our country was ended in a most unthinkable way-the race for the creation of the atomic bomb. We “won.” Were we now “free?”

I think of slogans, some made popular in earlier wars, that each war fought was “a rich man’s war and a poor man’s fight”. Throughout history, the poor, the weak, slaves, simple farmers have fought and died while the wealthy, for the most part, sat it out, making plans that cost hundreds of thousands of lives.

There were wars across the world, the Greek Revolution, the “Cold War” with the Soviet Union, the chill of the Korean war, the steaming jungles of Viet Nam, they all haunted the concept of freedom. The violence over human rights and dignity here at home have only gradually began to find some answers. We still have a long way to go. Again, the idea of freedom for all is more a hope than a reality, even in the “Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave”.

I look at the use of religious beliefs as a cause of war. It is not a topic that many like to address. Yet, it is true,historically, many battles have been fought over religion, many people tortured and killed for holding the “wrong” beliefs at that particular time. There are fanatics in every faith. That makes no sense. If we are Buddhist, Christian, Islamic, Catholic, Judaic or any other in our belief, why can we not just live in peace and have respect fr the views of others? Will we every find this illusive “freedom” as long as fighting over just about any difference of opinion continues?

How many rows of graves, or ancient crypts will it take to obtain peace? This is a question without answer. I humbly remember and deeply respect all of those who gave their lives in the quest for what some leader demanded was necessary to finally procure “peace’. I will never understand how we can, “fight for peace”. What a horrible oxymoron. There has been so much loss, over and over. This essay may be too long, but it barely touches the history of war.

Why can we not coexist-live in a world where everyone is free from war and hate? The first step is to simply live our lives in a way that is respectful of others, moral, and honest . To continue to repeat the mistakes of the past is entirely useless.


7 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    billgncs said,

    War is in our blood. I think it is a type of insanity that occurs when more than the minimum amount of people required to survive exist.

    After the war, sanity returns, sometimes better, sometimes worse.

    I was thinking, is it enough to give Ukraine to Russia to avoid a war ? How about Estonia, or Romania and Poland ? Some desires cannot
    be placated, they can only be defied.

    Were death camps for the Jews and the Gypsies worth war ?

    Maybe the insanity is when one feels their rights supercede the rights of another. Until that ends, there will be little peace.

  2. 2

    A touching essay, my friend. And yes, questions that must be asked. Frequently.

  3. 4

    simon7banks said,

    It’s worth remembering the USA wasn’t alone in the Revolutionary War. It had the crucial support of a great power, France. But yes, the outcome reverberated not through the world (it won’t have had an impact in Asia, for instance) but through the Americas and Western Europe. Yes, the Declaration of Independence has fine-sounding statements that were being contradicted by policies, but I think statements like “All men are created equal” are like time bombs. It was quoted by Lincoln in the Lincoln-Douglas debates and Douglas tied himself in knots trying to explain that it didn’t really mean what it said.

  4. 5

    I like your message on what i interpret to be your personal statement about the futility of war. You may enjoy my post King Solomon on Causes of Disasters.


    I have also referenced your post to my post.

    Regards and good will blogging.

  5. 6

    nutsfortreasure said,


  6. 7

    Citizen Tom said,

    War is not necessarily an exercise in futility. Sometimes for one side is taking something that belongs to someone else. Sometimes for one side it is an act of self defense.

    There is such a thing as evil. You mentioned men who fought for clearly vile purposes when you mentioned such as Hitler and Mussolini. The nature of the AXIS powers made war unavoidable. The fact Stalin fought as one of the Allies did not change that. The fact that Hitler and Stalin could not trust each other just demonstrated the nature of those men.

    Much of the time we fight wars it is difficult to tell who is the villain. Propagandists on both sides always tend to overstate their case. Often they do so deliberately. Then it is best to examine scripture and consider the matter.

    James 4:1-6 New King James Version (NKJV)
    Pride Promotes Strife

    4 Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? 2 You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. 3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures. 4 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. 5 Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, “The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously”?

    6 But He gives more grace. Therefore He says:

    “God resists the proud,
    But gives grace to the humble.”

    It is not all about you or me. It is not all about the people of our nation. We cannot control what others do. All we can do with the wisdom of James 4:1-6 is apply it to our own conduct. When we seek to use others for our own benefit, we make enemies. When we don’t forgive our enemies and leave vengeance to God, we fail to make friends of our enemies. After World War II, the people of the United States joined together in forgiving the people of the nations they had fought in a ferocious war. That is an example worth remembering and contemplating.

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