
07500030Welcome to beebeesworld! I am a writer, poet, historian, photographer. My blog covers many topics, natures studies of all kinds, relationships( love, loss, grief, healing,  children,teens, the elderly.)  history, environmental studies,recipes, editorials, much more.  I have a degree in Public History Research, have worked in education (public and home school) and edited books for my father.

I have been a stay at home mom for much of my adult life, caring for grandparents, my children, 6 grandkids, volunteering in schools, etc. Parent Heart Watch, an organization to promote education on the prevention of and care of those with heart issues is very important to me. I lost a 15-year-old son to a sudden heart event while playing baseball.

I invite you to read, follow and comment on my work.  I welcome any technical advise on how to use the wordpress blog .0429003804290005003

77 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    lekardhi said,

    brenda you have something 🙂

  2. 2

    boomiebol said,

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for the follow

  3. 4

    There are awards awaiting you, if you so choose, in my blog today. I appreciate the heart and soul of your writing. ♥ paula

  4. 5

    Oster's Mom said,

    Hi. I’ve just nominated your blog for the Very Inspiring Blogger award. I really enjoy reading your posts and wanted to share your site with others. You are truly an inspiration 🙂

    See http://discoveranddevour.com/2012/07/12/the-very-inspiring-blogger-award-thank-you/

  5. 6

    Dolores said,

    I lost my lovely son 12, 15 years ago. Still cry

  6. 9

    You have done a lot of living and I was very sad to hear about your son’s death. I cannot imagine how incredibly painful that was, especially having NO warning and because of his age. Our community/my daughter’s school class, lost a friend exactly the same way. He was playing footie at lunch time and dropped dead in front of his friends and teachers…a previously healthy young man.

  7. 10

    Opalla said,

    Thanks for your “Like”s and Comment. I’ll be following your blog. I love your take on nature and your gentle sensitivity and comes through you posts.

  8. 11

    Nicole said,

    I’ve nominated you for a Beautiful Blog Award. Below is the link with the information – that is if you choose to participate: http://nmnphx.wordpress.com/2012/09/11/double-shot-of-blog-awards/

  9. 14

    franzad said,

    Hej, glad you liked my poem, i really enjoyed reading your posts, havent gotten through all of them 🙂 , like your about, you sound like an interesting person, what a life!!!
    if you like, check out my blog, and like, comment, follow as you please.
    wish you a wonderful day!

  10. 16

    cafecasey said,

    Today, I received “The Lovely Blog Award,” and I have the opportunity to pass it on. I love this blog and am grateful to have had the chance both to read it and to have connected with you personally. Here are the rules if you choose to accept: http://bit.ly/SbGmgY Thank you so much for sharing with me and inspiring me!

  11. 17

    just found you…. somewhere I saw the words old hippie and ….that was it…. looking forward to reading more of your posts!

  12. 19

    1EarthUnited said,

    Hi Bee, I came across your blog via Robyn’s. Wishing you a most joyous New Year and look forwards to sharing ideas and posts with you. Be well!

  13. 21

    The Commonzense of Saint James said,

    Hey, lovely to have you following. Please feel free to comment and share your thoughts with me. Peace~David

  14. 22

    AnElephantCant think of anything clever to say
    This happens time after time
    But he wants you to know
    That he likes you and so
    He says hello with this silly rhyme

  15. 23

    Thank you so much for your kindness and following

  16. 24

    Hey, how are you?

    Good news, we are giving you the “BEST MOMENT AWARD“. Congratulations and enjoy the rest of the day!

  17. 26

    runningonsober said,

    I’m so happy to have stumbled across your blog–you write beautifully!
    I’m so sorry you lost your son. My mom died two years ago, nearly to the day, and I miss her every day. She sends me little signs though and makes me smile–I hope your son does the same for you. 🙂
    Very nice to meet you!

  18. 28

    Steve Rebus said,

    Wow, so blessed to have found you and your amazing blog! You are truly an inspiration and i look forwards to checking out more and following you into the future!

  19. 29

    TheGirl said,

    Hi hun, thank you for inviting me to take a look at your blog! Its very wonderful and inspirational and I thank you for blogging your story and sharing yourself with the world.

  20. 30

    Blue Jeans and Chocolate said,

    I am really enjoying your blog ~ it’s so down-to-earth and heartfelt honest. A very real inspiration. Looking forward to reading much more of it!

  21. 32

    I’m so sad for your loss. Please accept my heartfelt sympathy for your son’s passing away. I can’t even begin to imagine ~ I am happy that you are helping others with heart problems. I feel blessed that we’re connecting. ♥♥♥

  22. 35

    dmauldin53 said,

    Hi beebee! I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Sunshine Award and The Versatile Blogger Award. Check it out at: http://mauldinfamily1.wordpress.com/2013/06/03/awards-sunshine-award-the-versatile-blogger-award/

  23. 36


    MANY Thanks for visiting my Blog, & for Following back. :).

    MUCH Appreciated. :).

    Best Wishes 🙂
    Kev. 🙂

  24. 37

    Your blog is so wonderful to read! I am sorry for the great loss you have experienced in your life…to lose a son is a loss that is deep and personal. My brother died at the age of 19 in the US Air Force –overseas..he was stationed in Iceland–I was 5 at the time…it was so hard on my Mom & Dad…there was no body to bring home. Even though there were 10 more of us, it was always a painful loss for my Mom. I still marvel at her courage to smile and be happy amidst all of that pain. You strike me as that same type of resilient person. Blessings on you…and may joy find you and be with you! Thank you for the “follow”…and I am also “following” you…Have a good weekend!

  25. 38

    jdeangelis79 said,

    Always nice to meet a fellow poet/poetess

  26. 39

    atkokosplace said,

    This world is better because you are in it! Glad I found your blog. Best wishes, Koko ❀ ✿ ❁ ✾

  27. 40

    lauralistar said,

    You have some very compelling and touching topics here. I will definitely be by to read more posts. You have a unique perspective and I can tell you put a lot of love into what you say. A very thoughtful blog. I’m so happy I’ve stopped by 🙂

    • 41

      beebeesworld said,

      I am happy that you stopped by as well. I write about variety of topics, some sad, some joyous, nature studies, just stories that come to mind. I look forward to reading more of your work as well. beebeesworld

      • 42

        lauralistar said,

        Thank you 🙂 I just love the variety and you write in such an elegant way. I very much enjoyed stopping by your little corner of the blogosphere 🙂


        Laurali Star

  28. 43

    Your courage and beautiful heart shines through your blog. So glad to connect with you. 🙂

  29. 44

    ileneonwords said,

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog today!

  30. 45

    sachemspeaks said,

    Thank you for your visit to my posting my friend.

    A traditional of my people knows that Creator has called them home for a good reason so we must be pleased for their good fortune.
    Our loved ones, while on the road with the ancestors to see Creator, are praying on that trip for your health and your future, we all need their prayers.
    Your son was and is praying for you also.

    A Native American Soaugi (Funeral)

  31. 46

    Hello! I hope you don’t mind a blog award.:) Please click here for more info: http://eyedancers.wordpress.com/2013/11/27/some-of-my-favorite-things-blogs-or-the-blog-of-the-year-award-2013/ Thanks so much! You have a beautiful site! –Mike

  32. 47

    Dear Beebee, I’m so glad that we have become friends.You are in my thoughts and prayers especially during this holiday season. You are an amazing woman who reaches out to help others and I truly appreciate your taking time from a busy life to read and respond to my posts. I’ve just nominated you for the Super Sweet Blogger award and thank you so much for inspiring and supporting me, my friend. You’ll find out all about it at http://4writersandreaders.com/2013/12/29/super-sweet-blogger-award/ Have a wonderful weekend and a Very Happy New Year! Blessings, Bette

  33. 48

    Hi, beebee. Just stopped by to say HI. Hope you’re feeling well and having a great day! Blessings, Bette

  34. 49

    annisik51 said,

    Love that red top! Go go go! I have a similar one. It makes me very fast! Ann

  35. 53

    Joe Bradshaw said,

    I am sorry for your loss and admire your strength. Love your posts and thank you for sharing your beauty and grace with our world! 🙂

  36. 54

    Joe Bradshaw said,

    I would like to say I love your blog and the wonderful and beautiful things you share as well as the inspiration and smiles you bring in doing so! Thank you for being you and I hope even if you do not accept awards you will accept the sentiment expressed as I honor you with one. There is no prize that comes with the award other than my appreciation and being grateful you are part of our world and making a difference by sharing in such a positive way…
    I have posted the award and link to it here I hope you will accept it or at least the sentiment behind it! http://artisticlyxpressedthoughts.wordpress.com/2014/03/27/awards-and-shared-gifts/

    With love,

    • 55

      beebeesworld said,

      Thank you very much Joe. I can not even seem to get the awards onto my about page most of the time, If you want to try to help me, I will try to put up and accept your award. best wishes, beebee

  37. 56

    afsheenanjum said,

    Hello 🙂

    I am glad to meet such a beautiful lady. I will be around to learn more about you .

    May Allah bless you and your loved ones.. ameen

  38. 57

    It is really interesting to see your blog.

  39. 60

    Lyssa Medana said,


    I’ve been talking to Thomas Marlowe and we are both missing the Trifecta Challenge. One thing led to another and we have decided to set up Light and Shade Challenge where there are prompts twice every week and a chance to share what inspiration strikes.

    We are not trying to be the same as Trifecta. They were awesome and I miss them. We do have some really exciting ideas of our own, though and can’t wait to see what happens. It would be great if you could come and join us and see where this journey takes us. Good writers are always welcome. If you have any questions then get in touch either on the Light and Shade Challenge Blog http://lightandshadechallenge.blogspot.co.uk/ or on the Facebook page. It would be wonderful to hear from you. Lyssa M x

  40. 63

    jessasmiley said,

    Congratulations, Beebees World!

    I have nominated your blog for the Wonderful Team Membership Award.

    More about this nomination is at


    • 64

      beebeesworld said,

      I am honored by your nomination, jessasmiley, but I have stopped adding the awards to my site because I had so much trouble loading them and, to be honest because i felt I was not doing justice to the way the awards are given out by complimenting other bloggers. I really do appreciate your nomination! beebeesworld

  41. 65

    SwittersB said,

    As always, spiritual and bittersweet Beebee. Hugs

  42. 67

    thewriteedge said,

    Thank you so much for following The Write Edge! I hope you find it interesting, informative, and even entertaining. Have a wonderful weekend!

    • 68

      beebeesworld said,

      I hope to see your blog/prompt come up so I cn respond. I feel this one was not of my usualy quality-some topics inspire more than others, but I wanted to get acquainted with your prompt. Best wishes, beebeesworld

  43. 69

    So many interesting topics to read about here, Beebee. I’m sure your spin on things will provide a plethora of enjoyment. Cheers to you!

  44. 71

    N. Netto said,

    And you said my world is much bigger than beebeesworld… yeah, no, it’s not! hehehe! You have a very cool blog too!

  45. 73

    Permacooking said,

    What a lovely and inspiring blog you have here…Thank you for stopping by my blog and for the follow, 🙂

  46. 74

    Great site! Thanks for stopping by my site and thanks for subscribing to my blog as well!

  47. 75

    Warren Krupsaw said,

    I first came across your writing in the course of researching dandelions. Since you expressed an interest in nature (and photography), I thought you might be interested in my work: http://www.thephotoargus.com/one-photographers-way/.
    Take Care & Stay Aware, Warren

  48. 77

    Judy said,

    Miss you, dear Brenda. I think of you so often. Love, Judy

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